The air we breathe (around London’s health centres) Health sites in central London frequently breach legal limits, according to air quality data from King’s College London. This graphic matches air quality data from KCL’s 2013 model with locations of health centres from the NHS database. © 2017 BMJ Publishing group Ltd. Data sources:Hospital locations: ODS / ONSPDAir quality model: Kings College, LondonLimits: Satellite image: NASA Data file: 596exceed UKlegal limits*(60%) 130exceed UKlegal limits*(10%) *Average annual limit = 40µg/m 3 1244sites in outerLondon 995sites in innerLondon Average levels This map shows the mean NO 2 level across each site’s postcode area. Principal exacerbations: Cardiovascular disease Stroke Maximum values This map shows the maximum NO 2 level within each site’s postcode area. Principal exacerbations: Asthma COPD 739exceed UKlegal limits*(74%) 515exceed UKlegal limits*(41%) 1244sites in outerLondon 995sites in innerLondon *Average annual limit = 40µg/m 3 Majorhospital Other healthcentre NO 2 µg/m 3 40+ 20 30